Vegetable Lasagne with Zesty Dressing

November 16, 2020

This veg lasagne is just as delicious either hot or just warm. The zesty dressing adds a fresh dimension to a traditional veggie bake too. Created for Nuttelex By @laura_hobby_baker


500 g ricotta or veagn sub

2 cups grated parmesan

1/2 tsp chilly powder or chilly flakes

1/2 bunch fresh parsley

handful fresh basil leaves

700 g butternut pumpkin thinly sliced (3 mm)

1 lemon finely grated

2 large yellow squash or 4 small ones

4 small zucchinis

3/4 cup flaked almonds toasted golden in the oven

200 g frozen peas blanched & refreshed in a colander under cold running tap water


place the following ingredients in a jar with lid and shake well..

2 tbsp plant based Nuttelex olive spread (melted)

1 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp honey/maple syrup

juice of the zested lemon

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar


slicing mandolin

20-22 cm pie dish or a small rectangle dish

food processor


1Preheat oven to 180°C fan forced.

2Place ricotta, grated parmesan, blanched peas, parsley & basil, lemon zest plus chilly powder/flakes in a food processor blitz until roughly combined.

3Transfer mixture to a bowl & add 1/2 cup of toasted almonds then cover set aside in the refrigerator until ready to assemble.

4In a microwave safe dish place the thinly sliced 3mm slices of pumpkin & cook for 4-5 minutes (alternatively steam pumpkin for 2 minutes)

5Place a layer of pumpkin in the base of the baking dish and lightly drizzle with Nuttelex/honey mixture then place a layer of the ricotta mixture and repeat process until you have a pumpkin layer on top. Then place 2 x zucchinis thinly sliced on top again drizzle with more Nuttelex/honey mixture.

6Bake for 35 minutes or until the top is golden & caramelised.

7Let cool slightly.

8Using the mandolin thinly slice the squash & more zucchini. Place them nicely on top of the lasagne with the remaining toasted almonds & drizzle the top with more honey mixture.

9Serve hot or warm with a salad.
